If brutal truth and funny sarcasm aren't your thing, you are in the wrong place. I blog about the "real" loud, annoying, crazy, wtf moments of parenting and life. Just trying to survive motherhood one dysfunctional day at a time. I blog about what 98% of moms/mums/mommys/mothers feel & go through, but don't dare admit to.I love my children more than words could say. but.. That doesn't mean everyday is as sweet as sweet potato casserole.

Random Things about ME

I once told my shrink that if he could figure out what was wrong with me (while circling my head with my own hand) That he deserves a fucking medal. (True story) I have this "thing" where I cant help what I say. Often times it is "deemed" inappropriate.  At home, in public, restaurants, it doesnt matter. I have strong opinions. One of them is: I cant stand mothers who act like they are better than everyone else. I cant stand mothers who are lazy SOB's 95% of the time at home, but in public they morph into "SUUUUUPER MOM" I am the same at home and in public, and if people dont like it, well I dont give 2 shits. I cant stand "showy" moms. Or moms that keep their nose in the air at all times. You can be that crafty, go all out for the holidays and traditions mom without bragging and showing off. Which brings me to my next mom- ones who brag. Just stop. strangers do not care that little sally joe said her first word upon exiting the birth canal.

I like to blog for a few reasons. One- writing has been a passion of mine before I could spell. I carry a notebook and pen with me everywhere. TWO) I like to blog about "real life" because I know so many other parents can relate to it, and maybe...they wont feel so alone. Also, I think "real life moments" -aka- WTF moments, are funny. At least when you look back on them. and three) I just like to.

Random Things About me:
1. I cuss. way too much. yes, in front of the kids.
2. I have adhd and ocd. I like to be organized. dream of it. but it never seems to happen.
3. I have an awesome husband, who without him, my kids would probably starve on most days. yet, I do like cooking.
4. Im chronically late for everything, I abuse the snooze button and im not a morning person.
5. I am very blunt, I also have PMDD- which for a week out of every month I turn into the incredable hulk on steroids.
6. I wear flipflops all year round. I hate socks.
7. and.....I would totally finish this list, but I have a 7 year old mini me throwing a tantrum bc I tol her I would make her a smoothie. -24 hours Ago.

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